What business does business have in the UNSC?

We invited Ole Jacob Sending to talk on What does the UNSC have to do with business? What business does business have in the UNSC? These are complex questions that many people might not have been able to answer, or they would shy away from answering. However, Mr Sending was spot on with the questions and answered them very pricesly. 

Ole Jacob Sending is Director of Research at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and an adjunct researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI). Sending holds a PhD (Dr. Polit.) from the University of Bergen, titled: “How does knowledge matter?”.

His work is mainly focused on the role of international organizations in crisis management. He has previously worked as Senior Adviser in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2006-2008), and visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (2008-2009) and Stanford University (2002).His work has appeared, inter alia, in the European Journal of International Relations, International Studies Quarterly, and Millennium. His most recent book Governing the Global Polity  (with Iver B. Neumann), Michigan University Press, won the International Studies Association Award for Best Book in international political sociology in 2012. He is currently working on a book manuscript under contract, also with Michigan University Press, entitled  The Authority of Expertise in Global Governance . With Simon Reid-Henry, he is managing a HUMPOL funded project on “Armed Violence in Urban Settings”.

See his answers below:

We are honored to have with us Norways first Ambassador for global health,  John-Arne Røttingen , for our Republic Day Podcast episode. Norway is one of the largest donors to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which works to improve access to vaccines and strengthen vaccination programmes and health systems in low-income countries. In the budget proposal for 2021, the Government proposed to enter into an agreement with Gavi on the provision of NOK 10.25 billion in funding, to be disbursed in the period 2021–2030.

In our very constructive podcast with His Excellency Dr. Røttingen, the Norwegian Global Health Ambassador, we go into details around current and general health challenges on a global setting and the importance of multilateralism.

We got to learn about the importance of health diplomacy, which can yield results with regards to improved global health, greater equity, better relations and trust between countries. It can also yield a strengthened commitment on the part of stakeholders to work together to improve health both nationally and globally.

Ambassador Røttingen praised India's contribution on a global platform, with the expertise, resources and infrastructure amongst other contributions India has to offer on a wider medical domain.

Ambassador Røttingen also threw light on the possibilities for India and Norway to further strengthen relations and complement each other in more ways; in particular health care, research and innovation as an effort to minimize the inequities so that health benefits are maximized.

Please tune in for more details!

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