New data is made available by innovative new satellites that could benefit both societal needs and new business plans. It is important to merge data available from ground with space data in order to enable new services in various fields like maritime surveillance, property monitoring, agriculture, construction, finance and insurance. Space solutions, satellites and launchers have become cheaper, paving the way for a new generations of experts and entrepeneurs entering the space arena with new concept and business ideas both building and using satellite data in a more efficient way. This is what we call NEW SPACE.

We elaborated on the Indian regulatory regime and the opening of the commercial space community in India. Concretely, we mentioned maritime surveillance and micro-launchers as possible Indian-Norwegian cooperation opportunities.

Finally, we talked about the new sense of entrepreneurship, integration of IT and space domain involving players in the cloud and data processing value chain and the need for a wide variety of competences in the new race for space data.

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