A big thank you to the 90+ who attended this seminar
 क्या आधुनिकीकरण के लिए पश्चिमीकरण की आवश्यकता है?

क्या आधुनिकीकरण के लिए पश्चिमीकरण की आवश्यकता है?

जानिए भारत का नजरिया!

Westernisation is about adopting western values whereas modernisation is a change or transformation process of adapting something to modern needs or habits. What should India strive for? 

We invited Suket Dhir and our Advisory board member Erik Solheim .

In this talk we address the following questions:
What is the difference between westernization and globalization?
How to distinguish between the westernization and modernization of Indian culture?
How would modernizing without westernization be?
China has adopted a model of modernization without westernization. What about India?
The Indian ethos, Indian craftsmanship and the branding of India

This seminar was not planned to be a podcast episode, but as we received requests for the talk to be recorded we have published the first part as a podcast episode. 

One of Norway's leading experts on China, Knut Sørlie, joined us for this podcast episode. Listen to the episode and hear what he and Rina Sunder have to share when it comes to the questions: 

2020 har vært et markant vanskelig år for de to landene. Den pågående Himalaya-grensekonflikten har ført til bilaterale krise. India har begrenset kinesiske investeringer i India og utestengt hundrevis av kinesiske mobilapplikasjoner som zoom og tiktok. India er fortsatt avhengig av kinesiske varer, men trapper veldig opp At manirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan or Self-reliant India campaign ble lansert i fjor. Dette betyr at landenes handels- og investeringsforbindelser kanskje aldri blir de samme.

India pleide å operere med 5-årsplaner. Men planleggingskommisjonne ble oppløst i 2014. Dette er noe Modi offetnliggjore i sin tale på Indias nasjonaldag i 2014. Etter oppløsingen er det ikke laget flere formelle planer for økonomien, men det ble laget en fem års forsvarsplan. I lang tid hadde det vært en oppfattelese at sentral planlegging ikke fungerer i et så mangfoldig og stort land som India. 29 delstater og 7 unionsterritorier. Planleggingskommisjonen som ble erstattet av NITI Aayog. Det er viktig å merke seg at dokumentene til NITI Aayog ikke har noen økonomisk rolle. De er bare retningslinjer for regjeringen.

India hoppet til 63. posisjon i Verdensbankens rapport Ease of Doing Business 2020. I 2019-rapporten hadde India forbedret sin rangering på seks av de ti parametrene knyttet til å starte og drive forretning i et land. I 2010 til sammenligning var India på 133. plass. 

Begrepet Atmanirbhar Bharat har blitt brukt i forhold til å gjøre India "til en større og viktigere del av den globale økonomien", med mål om å føre en politikk som er 

Andre temaer som ble snakket om i denne podcasten er:

On episode 10 of the DMI Podcast, we have two experts in this field, research Director at NUPI, Ole Jacob Sending and Director of climate, energy and the environment at Norad, Stig Traavik.

Eradicating all forms of poverty continues to be one of humanity's greatest challenges. China has lifted 600 million people out of poverty since the 1980s, and according to the UN, India lifted 271 million people out of poverty between 2006 and 2016. During this conversation, we discuss "common, but differentiated responsibilities" and what Biden and Harris mean for climate, poverty and cooperation in the world. We also look at the sustainability goals and how international cooperation to save the world will be affected by disagreement and rivalry between great powers. Talking about poverty without talking about the task of business is not possible.

A big thank you to the 40+ who attended this seminar.

Listen to episode number 10 below (in Norwegian).

India is looking to take a giant leap in its space program and solidify its place among the world's spacefaring nations with its second unmanned mission to the moon, this one aimed at landing a rover near the unexplored south pole. 

We are honored to announce that we have  Marianne Vinje Tantillo  together with our host and group leader,  Bjørn Ottar Elseth , in our December podcast episode. This talk is in English and we hope our Indian subscribers will tune in to listen.

This space podcast dives into the big picture of what is going on in space exploration these days. Since the Moon race in the 60’s when it was the United States and the Soviet Union racing to put the first man on the surface of the Moon, the situation today is much more diversified. More countries are involved, both China, India, many European countries and new space nations like the United Arab Emirates, are initiating projects to explore the Moon and Mars. And not to forget Elon Musk with his Starship, with very ambitious goals and soon maybe other rich entrepeneurs with their own space projects.

How can Europe play a role, and can smaller countries like Norway make a difference? Is there a role for both larger and smaller companies?

Finally, the importance of international collaboration. Will the exploration efforts be done in a cooperative manner? Is it possible to ensure rule-based based on laws that everyone will follow, for both countries and companies.

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