#35 Oslo - charting a path forward for the world

We invited Heidi Sørensen who is the Director of the Climate Agency, City of Oslo for a podcast conversation.

A few of the questions we asked Heidi:

- Oslo is the first city in the world with its own Climate Budget. What is the climate budget?

- The City has developed and adopted the Oslo Climate and Energy Strategy, which is in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The target is to reduce the city's CO2 emissions by 50 per cent by 2020 and by 95 per cent by 2030, compared to the 1990 level. What is the status today?

- The Klemetsrud plant is Norway’s largest waste-to-energy plant and emits more than 300,000 tonnes of CO2 each year. Oslo is the first city to test Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) from waste incineration. Please tell us more about Klemetsrud plant.

- The goal of the City of Oslo is that building and construction activities in Oslo shall be zero emission by 2030. How are you using purchasing power to accelerate the green transition?

We also spoke about Mumbai. Do listen to the episode here: 

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