Rina Sunder Joins TV 2’s Nyhetskanalen as Guest Expert
We are proud to share that Rina Sunder, co-founder of Det Moderne India was invited as a guest on one of the May episodes of Nyhetskanalen, TV 2’s leading news platform.
Rina Sunder joined Synniva Rose, Chief Communications Officer at Norsk Kjernekraft, nuclear physicist, public speaker, and author of "Vi er stjernestøv, kjernefysikk for folk flest" for an in-depth discussion on global affairs, politics, science, and other events.
Nyhetskompaniet brings together key voices from Norwegian society to discuss current affairs, trending topics, and issues that shape everyday life. Each episode delves into the day’s most pressing news, offering expert insights and analysis.
As Norway’s largest commercial broadcaster, TV 2 reaches 92% of Norwegian households, with Nyhetskanalen drawing between 300,000 and 500,000 viewers. Thus, it is one of Norway’s most influential platforms for national and global discussions.