India now officially has more females than males. There has been a demographic shift. 

According to latest data released by the Indian government from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), there are now 1,020 women for every 1,000 men. Women’s economic empowerment is highly connected to poverty reduction because women tend to invest their earnings into their communities and family’s development. According to World Bank estimates, India’s women in workforce contribute 17% to GDP, which is less than half the global average. 

Norway was the first country in the world to put a 40% gender quota on boards of listed companies and public enterprises. Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that works to advance children’s rights and equality for girls. The Association of Business Women in Commerce & Industry (ABWCI), on the other hand, is an integrated platform dedicated to the economic empowerment of women in business. 

DMI would like to present to you the panelists for our new seminar, which will take place on January 25th. 

Isabelle Ringnes is the co-founder of

Parul Soni is founder of Association of Business Women in Commerce & Industry (ABWCI) 

Kari Helene Partapuoli is General Secretary, Plan Norway 

Rina Sunder is Founder of DMI

The conversation will be moderated by Stig Traavik and Rina Sunder. Traavik is Director of Climate, Energy & Environment at Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. 

A few of the questions we will touch upon are: 

Simply put — women are the key to unlocking the full potential of Indias economy and society. It’s critical that we pave pathways that allow women to soar. DMI are happy to collaborate with Norad on this seminar. 

Please join us to discuss how women in India will shape Indias future. 

At COP26 - UN Climate Change Conference, countries committed to new, ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions this decade. Delivering on these promises will rely on the development, financing and scale up of green technologies. China and India, the two biggest producers, consumers and importers of coal, sparked the last-minute drama at the COP26 talks by forcing a compromise that led from "phase out" to be changed to "phase down."

What does this mean? And what about Norway and Norways role at COP26? 

We invited: 

- Stig Traavik, Director of Climate & Environment in Norad - the Norwegian Govt Agency for Development Cooperation

-Truls Gulowesen, Managing Director of Naturvernforbundet. 

- Surbhi Singvi, manager for energy at World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD) for an update on COP26.

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